Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Workout Playlist Song #7: The Dean's List "La Vie (The Life)"

The Dean's List "La Vie (The Life)"

If you've been paying attention to the extra songs at the end of each of this month's posts, you may have noticed The Dean's List pop up a few times. It's a group that was recommended to me by a friend way back in high school. "The Drive In" mixtape was one that I considered "hot fire" back in those days, and would still argue for the same description today. This mixtape was available on Datpiff, but I don't see it available there anymore. This rap group that was based out of Boston put out some great beats with solid flows to go with it. "La Vie" follows that pattern, and creates something that's easy to workout to if you need something to get yourself going. I highly recommend it to you if you can find it (maybe on Spotify or iTunes) as well as many other songs off this mixtape.

End of Workout



Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Workout Playlist Song #6: Deadmau5 ft. Rob Swire "Ghosts 'N Stuff"

Deadmau5 ft. Rob Swire "Ghosts 'N Stuff"

EDM is the focus today, as longtime DJ Deadmau5 is in the spotlight. Sometimes you just need some solid beats to help you get through a workout, and this particular song can provide that for you. Mix in some easy vocals that you can sing along to, and you've got an excellent workout song. There are no deep meanings or particularly motivating lyrics that can relate to pushing yourself. This has the feel of a song that's perfect to pop up right in the middle of your set to keep you going. I have personally loved this song for over 6 years, and it doesn't get old. If you're looking for something to keep you upbeat, then try adding this Deadmau5 classic to your playlist.

End of Workout



Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Workout Playlist Song #5: Disclosure ft. Lorde "Magnets"

Disclosure ft. Lorde "Magnets"

I've chosen today's song for the pure fact that it's come up on my shuffle for just about every workout over the last two weeks. I'm not sure what kind of message my iPod is trying to send me by this, but I won't complain because it's a pretty great song. It's certainly not the most upbeat song in the world for a workout playlist, but something about its rhythm is what really appeals to me. You can kind of zone out in the flow of the beat, which can be good for workouts if you find yourself focusing too much on how much time is left or how many reps are left. Of course, I also really enjoy Lorde's voice, and this collaboration is as solid as it can get. If you like lower key workout songs, than this one just may be for you.

End of Workout



Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Workout Playlist Song #4: Bastille "Power"

Bastille "Power"

Certainly this song is pretty much written about a toxic relationship between two people. It tells the tale of someone holding power over someone else for some time, though the narrator eventually realizes that it's time to break free of this control. I love the message behind this song, and use it as a great motivational workout song. In the case of pushing yourself during your session, the "enemy" is the pain or soreness you feel when you are exercising. There are many instances when you try to tell yourself that you've done enough, that you can cut your workout short. That's when you have to decided that you're not going to let that "power" hold you anymore. My favorite lyric in this song goes "Pain, just synapses firing." If you can remember that, then you can remind yourself that you have the ability to overcome your own doubts. You can hold the "Power."

End of Workout



Friday, August 3, 2018

Workout Playlist Song #3: Felix Jaehn ft. ALMA "Bonfire"

Felix Jaehn ft. ALMA "Bonfire"

Today's song is a great one out there if you've ever had anyone doubt you. It doesn't even have to be doubt about your ability to exercise or workout, but in life in general. "Bonfire" by Felix Jaehn and ALMA is quite literally a song about using those doubts as fuel to your fire. Most people don't need to be told or suggested to use doubters as a motivational tool. It comes natural that you want to prove somebody wrong on something you feel confident in yourself about. The song depicts the bonfire as being the narrator, and whatever anyone says or does is only "fuel" to that fire. Throw in some classic EDM beats, and you've created a perfect, upbeat workout song. "Live off the gasoline" of what motivates you, and perhaps consider adding "Bonfire" to your workout playlist.

I've decided to continue to have fun with this month's theme. So, here are the three ending songs to my workout today: 

End of Workout

Transition (End of Workout to Cooldown)


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Workout Playlist Song #2: Thousand Foot Krutch "Fire It Up"


Canadian Christian Rock band Thousand Foot Krutch has been another one of my favorite bands for awhile now. I actually discovered this song on EA Sports' NHL '10 (that should give you an idea of how long I've liked this song), which led me to the discovery of the band itself. If you'd really like to feel old,  Thousand Foot Krutch has been making music since 1995, so only two years less than I've been alive! "Fire It Up" is one those songs that can really get your blood pumping from start to finish. For me, the intro sets the mood, and then the guitars really kick in and make you want to jam out. Somebody needs to fire it up according to the chorus, and in the sense of working out, you're trying to fire yourself up. It's not the easiest thing in the world to motivate yourself sometimes, so having a song that's setting the mood for your workout session can be a big help. So, if you need a little extra motivation, let Thousand Foot Krutch fire you up for your next workout!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Workout Playlist Song 1: Imagine Dragons "Tiptoe"


Hey y'all! Obviously, this blog got neglected over the last few months. I had a lot of changes going on: a new job which meant moving to a new state. I now feel settled in from all these changes, and am ready to get back to posting about great music!

I have recommitted myself to focusing on my personal health by getting back into the gym and losing weight. In honor of this, I have decided to dedicate this upcoming month to songs off of my workout playlist! I know that everyone has their own way of getting themselves hyped up to workout, music included. However, I hope that you may find one or two of my songs good enough to add to your sessions!

Imagine Dragons is a band that I first discovered (as I'm sure everyone did) by their first hit single "Radioactive" (which is also on my playlist). I'm a proud owner of the Night Visions album, and that allowed me to find what I consider to be a hidden gem: "Tiptoe". It follows right after "Radioactive" on the album, and, in my opinion, fits perfectly into the track listing there. This was one of the many songs that I played on repeat, which is why it probably found its way onto my workout playlist. According to the Genius description, "Tiptoe" is supposed to be a song about the narrator scoring a "victory over something momentous, despite not being recognized by others." I think this is a great description if you really analyze the lyrics. The narrator is "tiptoeing higher", sneaking past the competition. There's also multiple mentions of flying off the radar. The part of the song that really gets me going is the bridge, when he repeats "nobody else can take me higher." It's great motivation while pushing yourself that nobody else is going to get you to your workout goals, whatever they may be. You have to be the one to get yourself there. Maybe you'll decide "Tiptoe" will help motivate you to tiptoe past your exercise goals.