Sunday, April 1, 2018

Movie Soundtrack Feature: "Escape (The Pina Colada Song"


Rupert Holmes "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)

You probably didn't need to see Guardians of the Galaxy to recognize this song. It is one of those songs that almost everybody seems to love and can sing along to. If you have seen the movie, than you know that all the songs on its soundtrack come from the 1970s. The Awesome Mix is a mixtape created by Peter Quill's mother and given to him shortly before her death in the beginning of the movie. It is a collection of her favorite songs, which come from that decade. "Escape" plays in the film when Quill is recovering his cassette player from the guard who confiscated it when he and the other guardians were taken into prison. Director James Gunn gave Composer Tyler Bates a mission to have most of the score already in place before filming so as "to use them for emotional scenes and big action scenes." He also stated that he wanted to play the songs on set so that the actors could get a feel for why the particular song fit into the scene they were filming and understand it. The song itself, isolated from the soundtrack, is really basic in that it is a man wishing to escape his current relationship. This is Rupert Holmes' claim to fame, even though he did a lot of other things musically besides just this song. And, according to Genius, he doesn't even like Piña Coladas! 

As you can tell, the month of April will be all about songs off of movie soundtracks. It's a cool semi-crossover of pop culture, which allows a spotlight on both the song and the movie. I hope you'll enjoy following along this month's journey!

If you want more information about how the soundtrack for Guardians of the Galaxy came together, as well as the full track list, you can find it here

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